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LloydShoes Men Lloyd GIDEON 

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Lloyd, la chaussure allemande
Combining passion with traditional expertise, Lloyd Shoes GmbH has been making high-quality shoes for men and women since 1888. Originally called H.F. Meyer Schuhfabrik, the company was first launched in Bremen, Germany. Located since 1942 in Sulingen, Lower-Saxony, the company has become renowned for their quality shoes. For over 125 years, Lloyd has been perfecting the manufacture of exclusive quality shoes in terms of fit, design and workmanship. Lloyd shoes can be recognised by their trademark, the world famous red stripe.

Shoes Men Derby shoes Lloyd GIDEON Black


154,00 €      123,20 €
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Shoes Men Derby shoes Lloyd GIDEON Black

154,00 €      123,20 €ORIGIN EUROPE


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